All posts by Ms. Donna

Winter/Spring Classes Now Enrolling!


CHECK BACK MONDAY, 12/15 FOR THE REVEAL!*******************


Beginning: JAN 15TH Ending: APRIL 16TH

Spring Break: MARCH 12 & MARCH 19

Weather makeup day (if needed): APRIL 23

All classes meet at Wellspring Church, Awana Room, 7300 Smithfield Rd, NRH

—CLASS FULL—ADVANCED WRITING 2.5 (9:30-10:50) : This twelve week course is perfect for juniors and seniors who want to prepare for college or dual-credit classes, and for students who have completed multiple rounds of Writing 2.0. (6-8 students total)

Required text: Painless Writing by Jeffrey Strausser, 2nd ed. Students will need internet access to complete some of the homework.

—CLASS FULL—WRITING 2.0 (11:00-12:30): This is the basic high school writing class, perfect for students between 14 and 18 years old who want a solid grounding in academic and personal essay writing. (smaller class size: 6-8 students total)

Required text: Painless Writing by Jeffrey Strausser, 2nd ed. Students will need internet access to complete some of the homework.

Cost for either class: $120 Cash or check; $125 paypal, debit or credit card

To begin the registration process, please use the contact tab above,  or email, or call Donna at 817-891-6036 with your interest. A $20 deposit is required to hold your student’s place. The deposit is part of the overall tuition, not an extra charge, and is refundable up to two weeks before the start of class.

PRIVATE TUTORING: If you would prefer one-on-one intensive tutoring for your student, I have times available at my home in Azle. Each session runs an hour, and you are welcome to stay during the session. Costs for tutoring is $20/hour for one student or $30/hour for two students at the same time.

**The updated website should be up and running by the start of classes in January. We aim to improve functionality and appearance and to add links for video and audio instruction by Donna.

Changes are A-Coming!

Warm days and gorgeous sunsets are filling our fall, but it’s not too early to start thinking about the winter/spring semester!

To that end, things are heating up here for Your Writing Teacher. I hope to roll out a new webpage design very soon that will have easier-to-navigate buttons to help you find what you are looking for.

What’s New for Spring 2015

  • In-person classes
  • Online classes
  • Inexpensive textbook to assist with grammar, punctuation, and style/fluency
  • Paypal, debit and credit card payments will be accepted
  • Video and audio resources for assignments and textbook help

Classes should be announced before the end of October!

Thank you for allowing me to teach your students.


This coming fall, Donna is taking a short break from teaching. After 28 years combined teaching adults and homeschooled students, it’s time for Your Writing Teacher to take a semester off to pursue some of her own creative projects.

Donna plans to return to teaching in the spring of 2015.


Thank you, parents and students, for the opportunity to teach my passion for writing!!!

Spring 2014 Classes from Donna Samudio, Your Writing Teacher

-Writing 1.0 Middle School Writing (12-week course, cost $100)  2 seats left-

Designed for the young writer, older 11 year olds through 13 year olds, this class explores development and organization through fun expository and imaginative assignments.  Basics of sentence structure and grammar, development, and paragraph organization make up the focus of this class.

**Minimum enrollment of 5 students is required for this class to be held. If we do not have 5 students by January 2nd, the class will be cancelled and all deposits returned.

Thursdays, 9:30-10:30 January 16 — April 17

Spring Break March 13 and 20 (two weeks)

Make up day for inclement weather if needed is April 24.

—Writing 2.0 High School Writing (12-week course, cost $120) 4 seats left—

This course covers expository writing for high school students. We start with paragraph development and organization then progress quickly into multi-paragraph papers and full-blown essays. This course is designed to equip students to write in a variety of non-fiction academic settings and prepare them for college writing.

Thursday, 1:00-2:30                   January 16 — April 17

Spring Break March 13 and 20 (two weeks)

Make up day for inclement weather if needed is April 24.

Continuation of British Literature (14-week course, cost $140)

**Enrollment is closed for this class as it is a year-long course.

We hit the Renaissance beginning in January with Shakespeare, Marlowe, and Spenser. Then we progress through the Enlightenment and into the Victorian Age and Modern Era by the end of the semester.

Thursdays, 10:45-12:20                                                    January 16 – May 1

Spring Break March 13 and 20 (two weeks)

Make up day for inclement weather if needed is May 8.

All classes meet at Wellspring Church Awana room, 7300 Smithfield Road, North Richland Hills, 76180.

To Register, please call Donna at 817-891-6036 or send an email to

It’s Official! Fall Classes FULL!




Fall Classes are full! If you wish to be placed on a waiting list in the unlikely event that a spot will open up, please click on the contact tab above. Thanks!

All classes meet on Thursdays, at Wellspring Church, Awana room, 7300 Smithfield Road, North Richland Hills, 76180. If you have questions about the location, call Donna at 817-891-6036, not the church.

Classes start August 29th  —  Fall Break October 10th  —

Thanksgiving Break November 28th

Writing Class 2.5, Advanced High School Writing  (FULL)

9:30-10:30, 12-week course, ends November 21 Tuition = $100.

Course Details: This class is for students who have mastered the basic essay and who are looking for more in depth work on topic development and style. Assignments will venture into the abstract, and students will explore different types of essay structures. Students must have teacher approval before being enrolled. You may submit a recent writing assignment to be considered for the course. Supplies needed: 3-ring binder, paper, pencils and pens, a highlighter, and a thesaurus.

British Literature, Part 1 (FULL)

10:45-12:20, 14-week course, ends December 5th, Tuition = $140

Course description: An exploration of British Literature, starting with Beowulf and going through the Medieval period with The Canterbury Tales and other poetry. Students will read, discuss, and write about the works. Each semester will include at least one exam and one project. This class is suitable for students ages 14 and up. Supplies needed: a 3-ring binder, paper, pencils and pens, a highlighter, a copy of the Barnes and Noble Classics version of both Beowulf and The Canterbury Tales, and various arts and crafts supplies for projects. All poetry will be found online at

Writing 1.75, Intro to and Practice in High School Writing (FULL)

1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m., 12-week course, ends November 21st Tuition = $120

Course Description: This class runs more like group tutoring than a traditional type of class, with lots of one-on-one help with each assignment. This class is perfect for students ages 14-18 who either have limited experience with writing essays or who are struggling with persistent problems in their writing, whether developmental or structural or technical. The content of the course is similar to Writing 2.0, just at a little slower pace for those students who need more time and instruction to master writing skills. Supplies needed: a 3-ring binder, paper, pens and pencils, a highlighter, and possibly a dictionary and thesaurus.


Send either an email to or use the comment form above to signal your intention to register. I ask for a $20 deposit for each student per class to hold your student’s place. That deposit is part of the tuition for the course, not an additional fee, and is refundable up to two weeks before the start of class. Click the registration link above to find mailing and other contact information.

Spring 2014 Preview:

Writing 1.0, 9:30-10:30 (ages 12 – 13)

British Literature, Part 2, 10:45-12:20

Writing 2.0, High School Writing 1:00-2:30

Fall 2014 Preview:

Sabbatical: Donna will be taking the Lavasaurus tour of New Mexico to visit all of the dinosaur and volcanic sites in the state. She may consider doing some online writing instruction but has no plans for formal classes during the fall semester. Classes will resume in the spring of 2015.

Summer and Fall Classes

youwritingteacher is pleased to offer once again the SUMMER BOOT CAMP, a 12-day intensive writing course.

Summer Writing Boot Camp

A 12-day intensive writing course at my home in Azle. The content is a mix between 1.75 and 2.0 and focuses on developing support, organizing essays, and proper sentence structure.

The class starts Wed., June 12, Thurs, June 13 and then runs Mon-Thurs the weeks of June 17 and June 24 and finishes up Mon, July 1 and Tue, July 2. Class time is 10-11;30 a.m. each day of class.

Location: 100 Timber Cross Ct, Azle, 76020   Cost: $100 ( One-time price reduction)

Parents and younger siblings may wait quietly in my home while class is in session or take advantage of our great library just 4 minutes from my house.

Fall Classes–Preview (plans should be finalized by May 10th–please check back)

Writing Class, probably 1.75. I have had requests for both Writing 1.75 and Writing 2.0, but at this moment the need seems greater for 1.75. (ages 13 and up)

Advanced Writing Class, 2.5, registration by placement only. This hour-long class is for students who have already mastered the basics of essay writing and who are ready for more challenging writing assignments. It will probably include some writing from research as well. If you have already completed a writing 2.0 course with me, you will probably qualify for registration. If you have taken writing classes elsewhere, I would like to see a writing sample before placing you in this class.

British Literature, Part 1 The first half of the year-long British Literature class will focus on early British literature and history. We will read Beowulf and from The Canterbury Tales and poetry from old England into the Renaissance. Students need the Barnes and Noble Classics versions of both Beowulf and The Canterbury Tales (found in the poetry section of the store). All of our poetry will come from Suitable for ages 14 and up.

Fall classes will meet on Thursdays.

Spring 2014 will offer Writing 2.0,  Writing 1.0, and the second half of British Literature.

Spring Schedule

Two classes are being offered this spring. Both classes meet on Thursday mornings at Wellspring Church, 7300 Smithfield Road, North Richland Hills, 76180.

Writing 1.75 meets from 9:00-10:30. (1 spot open)

Jan 24 – April 18–March 15 as spring break; April 25 weather makeup day

This writing class is ideal for writers with limited experience or those who struggle with issues even after formal writing instruction. The class is held around a table with lots of individual instruction time built in. For a fuller explanation, please see the course descriptions tab.

American Literature continues  from 10:45-12:15 (though it may be extended to 12:30)

Jan 24 – May 2– March 15 spring break; May 9 weather makeup day

This class is part 2 of a year-long class. It is currently full.

Now Enrolling for Fall 2012

Fall 2012 Classes With Donna Samudio

Registration Now Open

(NOTICE: Writing 2.0 is officially full! I am accepting students on the waiting list for this class. Please consult the Registration tab above to get details on how to add your student to the waiting list.)

High School Writing, 2.0

Thursday mornings, 9:00-10:30 (1 hr, 30 min)

12-week course starting August 23rd and ending November 15th

Fall Break: October 4th

Location: Wellspring Church, 7300 Smithfield Rd, NRH

Cost :$20 Deposit, $100 balance due by 3rd week of class

This one-semester stand alone course is designed to teach students the skills of the academic, expository essay. We will start with shorter writings, focusing on content development and organization and then move into essays. Because of the abstract nature of some of the writing assignments, this class is best suited for students at least 14 years old.

(NOTICE: American Literature is full as of July 1, 2012. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please click the registration tab above and follow the listed steps.)

American Literature, part 1

Thursday mornings, 10:45-12:15 (1 hr, 30 min)

14-week course starting August 23rd and ending December 6th

Fall Break: October 4th

Location: Wellspring Church, 7300 Smithfield Rd, NRH

Cost: $20 Deposit, $120 balance due by 5th week of class

This is part 1 of a two-semester survey course of American Literature. We will use the Abeka, 11th grade American Literature Textbook, 3rd edition, for our anthology and add Henry James’ novella, The Turn of the Screw as our longer work. This class should be suitable for students 14 years old and up.

Upcoming in the Spring:

Writing 1.0 or 1.75, depending on demand (Thursday mornings, 9:00-10:30)

American Literature, Part 2 (Thursday Mornings 10:45-12:15) [Jurassic Park will be our novel for the spring!]

For even more information about the classes, their prerequisites and supply lists, check out the course descriptions.

Call Donna at 817-485-7410 or email with your questions or to register for either course.

Travel Back in Time This Spring . . .

To Ancient Greece

Greek literature   —   Spring 2012 (4 spaces left as of 12/08/11)

Thursdays, 10:30-Noon

Beginning Jan. 19th through April 12th

Makeup day April 19th if needed   —   Spring Break, March 15th

Location: Wellspring Church, 7300 Smithfield Road, North Richland Hills, 76180

 This 12-week course, appropriate for ages 13 and up, will begin with Greek mythology then move to The Iliad and The Odyssey. The class work will include projects, a few papers, quizzes, and lots of discussion and acting out parts of the epic masterworks of Greek literature. We will concentrate on themes of relationships, friendship, nature, youth, beauty, and honor.

 Required texts and supplies:

Edith Hamilton’s Mythology

Any prose edition (story, not poetry) of The Iliad and The Odyssey

3-ring binder, paper, pencils and pens. For a couple of our projects, easily-found, basic art supplies might be needed.

 Costs and registration:

The cost of the course is $120. Either call Donna or use the contact tab above to register for the course.

Introductory Writing Assignment

Introductory Writing Assignment

In a few sentences or one paragraph please tell me a little bit about your writing.

 Specifically, I would like to know your goals for this semester. What areas do you wish to improve? Are there things you feel uncomfortable with in your writing? Do you have burning questions about specific grammar or punctuation issues?

 If you would like to, you may also tell me a little bit about your writing experiences so far. If you have done creative writing on your own, I would like to know about that as well.

You may handwrite or type your assignment. Please bring it with you to turn in on the first day of class.